Our Girls | Alexis : Star : Teany

About Alexis:  I usually go by Lexie.  I am a 10 and 1/2 year old beagle hound mix.  I like to bark at people to let everyone know they are here. I LOVE my frisbee and chewing on nylabones.  I like to go for walks in the woods and enjoy a nice day of laying around with my family. i howl and sing to my parents when they instigate me.

About Star: I also go by puppy or Starbar. I am a 7 and 1/2 year American Staffordshire Terrier, but i think i am a little animal.  I LOVE running everywhere I can.  I like to run ahead on walks then have to run back and make sure the rest of my family is still coming, then run back ahead in a vicious cycle 🙂 Squirrels make me go nuts, and i want to play with dairy cows.

About Teany: I also go by Teany tiny. I am 10 years old and think I’m a little lioness.  I like to go outside and relax in the sun and watch the birds, and going for walks up and down the driveway.   I LOVE to bring down “treasures” and meow at the top of lungs to announce i brought you something.